By purchasing a Basic User License we allow you permanent use of the sound logo for non-commercial projects. For example you can use it as much as you want on; personal film projects, your website, and on organic social media posts (not paid). You can not use it in paid content, advertisements, or in a commercial on TV or radio. For commercial use you need a full user license.
All sound logos from our shop are perfect for small brands and startups with a tight budget. These sound logos are composed to appeal to a wide range of smaller brands that need a sonic identity. After purchasing a user license for the sound logo (basic or full license), these sound logos will still be available to other brands to purchase and use.
Although these sound logos are not exclusive to just your brand, they are just as expressive as our other professionally crafted options. Non-exclusive audio logos set the stage for great things to come by grabbing the attention of your fledgling audience. If your brand is starting to grow and you are in need of a more personal sonic statement, feel free to reach out for a custom sound logo for your brand.